Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 3. Happy Easter

Today was a cold day on the river.It was too cold and rainy to take alot of pictures. I only took this one of the first fish of the day (notice the ice on the river bank).   I went back to the Upper Frying Pan River. I got up there by 7:30, still too late to get the "toilet bowl". the toilet bowl is what they call the spot here on the "Pan", where the water is released from the reservoir. The trout hang out there and eat the mysis shrimp that come out from the bottom of the lake. the trout in the toilet bowl are some of the biggest trout in the state, up to 22 lbs caught in there. So I fished a spot about 100 yards down from the dam using a nymph rig (copper john, and mysis shrimp) and had a good run for about a hour. I caught a few, and got them to the net. I had a bunch on the line but they shook loose. then the action died off. I moved down river and tried  a new spot and had no luck. I tied on a slump buster and started fishing the deep pools, moving down river. I caught a BIG ONE! And it broke my line! I don't know how big it was, but by the way the rod shook. I knew it was a good size fish. I lost my only slump buster, so I tied on a woolly bugger and I worked down river catching  some nice Brownies, all were 12''or larger. Casting to the deep pools and behind big rocks. I caught another big one that broke my line. I got to see this one make it to the surface about 10 ft in front of me. It was a nice rainbow that wanted nothing to do with my net. I lost all my streamers today either getting snagged on the bottom or broken off by big fish. I tried the same nymph rig I used in the morning, working back up river, not one bite. Back up by the dam was much more crowded than earlier. I decided to call it a day and go home.

1 comment:

  1. Triumph and tribulation. I would also have nothing to do with your net, sir.
